She Got It

15. She Got It (Jackson,Loren) - 4:26

  Présentation : 
She Got It fut enregistré peu avant la finalisation de Dangerous. "She Got It" resta au stade de démo avec un son R&B avec des touches de funk, de pop et de rock. Comme à son habitude, Bryan Loren joue tous les instruments. La chanson commence avec les percussions et une guitare électrique. La voix de Michael est quadruplé sur les couplets alors qu'on l'entend taper des mains pendant quasiment toute la chanson. Une guitare funky apparaît dans le refrain tandis que la guiare rock revient juste pour conclure ce refrain. Des synthétiseurs font leur apparitions dans le medley après le deuxième refrain.


  Crédits : 
Ecrit et Composé par Michael Jackson et Bryan Loren
Claviers : Bryan Loren
Percussions : Michael Jackson et Bryan Loren
Guitare : Michael Jackson et Bryan Loren
Enregistré et Mixé par Bryan Loren
Arrangements : Michael Jackson et Bryan Loren


  La Musique : 

  Les Paroles : 


Is there a club that's supposed to be in here?

Cha... Cha.....

Hot legs all into the room, she's got
One.... Hot keeper....
Netted stocking, purple panties that shows, she's got
Bad lips with a ring in her nose, she's got
Busty butts all into the seat, she's got
I won't fuckin', but she's tryin' to be mean

And the boy don't like it
And the boy don't like it
And the boy don't like it
And the boy don't want it
And the girl don't like it
And the boy don't want it
And the girl don't like it
And the boy don't like it
And the girl don't like it
And the boy don't want it
She got it

One, one, one, one....

Hot lips all up to her neck, she's got
Funcky finger but she's givin' him sex, she's got
Bad legs all into the truth, she's got
Such a feelin but she's singin the blues, she's got
more, she's got
But she did rock'n roll

And the girl don't like it
And the boy don't like it
And the girl don't like it
And the boy don't want it
And the girl don't like it
And the boy don't want it
And the girl don't like it
And the boy don't want it
And the girl don't like it
And the boy don't want it
She Got it

Ha! She got it! she got it !
Too Much for me now
Too much for me
That big blonde, come on
Too much for me

Hot legs all into the room, she's got the
Musty water, hot cheaper perfume, she's got
Netted stockings, purple panties that shows, she's got
Bad lips with a ring in her nose, she's got
Monkey busty all into her seat
She wants to be a movie star,

And the girl don't like it
And the boy don't want it
And the girl don't like it
And the boy don't want it
And the girl don't like it
And the boy don't want it
And the girl don't like it
And the boy don't want it
And the girl don't like it
She got it

Cha ! Cha, cha !
She got it
Too much for me now
Too much for me
And they don't want it
Too much fort me
That big mama dumbo
Too much for me
Hoo ! How ! Hut !
Chuck ! chuck !
Let me just loop...

.  Les Auteurs / Compositeurs : 

Bryan Loren


  Le Studio :